Natural mask to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin

The mask has a strawberry exfoliating effect. It eliminates dead cells and impurities while providing the skin with vitamins and giving it a more even skin tone.
Natural mask to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin
For a matter of aesthetics and health, most women try to keep their skin clean and moisturized face, to prevent early signs of aging.
Every day, the skin absorbs the particles of the environmental pollution which, in the long run can cause unsightly rather troublesome alterations.
The good news is that the damage caused by the environment, sun exposure and other factors, can be erased through the use of ingredients with properties that stimulate cell skin repair.
This is the case of the cutter which in addition to being excellent, can also be very useful in beauty programs.
Today, we'll explain how to prepare a natural mask to strawberry, to take care of your skin and remove impurities.

The face mask to the cutter with an anti-aging effect

Facial mask-a-la-strawberry-500x334
Strawberries have a purifying effect, and are ideal for people that fight against blackheads, excess fat on the skin and other skin problems that develop because of excess sebum.
With their natural astringent, strawberries in the form of facemask help regulate the pH of the skin and facilitate the removal of dead cells to rejuvenate the face.
If you use this process 3 or 4 times a week, you will notice improvements in your skin within a few days, since it will be cleaner and with less imperfections.


  • 4 ripe strawberries
  • 3 drops of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (25 g)

How to prepare?

  • Wash strawberries and remove the leaves.
  • Then mash them with a fork to form a thick paste.
  • Add the three drops of lemon and olive oil, and mix well until a paste.


  • Wash your face to remove dirt and makeup, and then apply the cream with strawberries while performing gentle circular massages.
  • Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.  

What are the benefits of this mask?

Strawberries provide the skin with salicylic acid, vitamin C and E, antioxidants and moisturizing compounds that improve its appearance.
Because of these properties with those of other ingredients, this mask has the following effects on the skin:

It removes dead cells

Thanks to its exfoliating action, this mask is recommended to keep out the dead cells and impurities that give the skin a dirty and old appearance.
The result provides better softness, cleaning excellent and lends a skin renew itself at the cellular level.

It whitens the face

Due to its high content of salicylic acid, this mask is ideal for removing dark spots and skin a more uniform complexion.
If stains due to age begin to alter your face, use this mask every day, but without adding sugar it because excess of this ingredient might affect the natural oils of the skin.

It acts as a natural tonic

In addition to providing hydration to the skin, tone the strawberries and prevent flaccidity to prevent the early onset of wrinkles.

The fight against acne

Salicylic acid may also reduce acne breakouts because it has anti-inflammatory and astringent action that heals the affected areas.

It protects skin from the sun

For years, it was considered as excellent strawberries natural ingredients to protect the skin from the negative impact of solar radiation.
Indeed, the antioxidant compounds strawberries may reduce the damage that the radiation produces on the DNA of cells, which in the long run could be a cause of cancer.
Anthocyanins, pigments that give strawberries their red color characteristic, may reduce the risk of cancer and other inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the skin.
See also: 5 tips to avoid sunburn and spots on the skin

Do not forget !

Treatments for skin application can be very effective to purify and rejuvenate the skin, from the time when their use is associated with the adoption of healthy habits such as eating a balanced diet and exercises.
It is very important to know that poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle have much to do with premature aging.
This is why if we not adopt a healthy lifestyle, application products and the use of techniques against aging will have no effect on the skin.